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How to Use Video to Supercharge your GTM Team's Lead Flow & Win Rates

Vidalytics’ Sales Enablement Solution is helping some of the industry’s top sales teams close more sales, boost their campaign margins, and generate more revenue than ever before from their marketing… keep reading to see how.

Fact...You can have a world-class sales team, with an incredible offer, at a bargain price…

…but that doesn’t mean your sales team won’t have issues like:

  • High no-show rates

  • Prospects saying they don’t have enough money

  • Constant sales objections

  • Low sales conversion rates

Luckily, there’s a solution.

Align Your Sales & Marketing Teams for more MQLs and Demos With the Most Useful Video Marketing Analytics for Increasing Conversions

Vidalytics has the most useful video marketing analytics for understanding your viewers behavior and knowing what changes to make to your video funnels to increase conversions…

Our analytics also allow your sales and marketing teams to see the right data and insights that allow them to work together for more MQLs and higher quality demos booked.

Because with our advanced analytics, you’re able to:

  • Accurately gather data and optimize your best performing assets to increase your sales & conversions

  • Track which of your ads, videos, and marketing content is performing the best and driving the highest quality leads

  • Track where your customers are coming from (which ads, emails, or videos) - so you already know what they watched and read

  • Reduce ad costs by making smarter targeting decisions, and more…

Score Leads Automatically Without Boring Manual Forms

As potential clients book sales calls with your team, Vidalytics Tagging offers powerful insights into their engagement. Here's how you can leverage this tool to enhance your sales strategy:

  • 1.

    Track Viewer Engagement: Identify which content prospects have viewed or skipped, providing a clearer picture of their interests and pain points.

  • 2.

    Understand Objections and Interests: Gain insights into any objections they raise while interacting with Vidalytics’ Interactive Smart Vids, as well as the specific reasons they are interested in your product or service.

  • 3.

    Automate Lead Scoring: Move beyond traditional manual forms and sales development reps (SDRs) for lead qualification. Use the data from natural engagement points throughout the customer journey to automatically score leads.

  • 4.

    Optimize Sales Scripts: Analyze win/loss rates with additional context (e.g. objections, pain points, demographic, psychographic data) to equip your sales team with avatar-specific call scripts, rebuttals, and FAQ talk tracks.

  • 5.

    Segment Leads for Targeted Follow-up: Categorize leads into hot, warm, or cold segments based on their engagement levels. This segmentation allows for prioritized and more effective follow-up strategies.

By integrating these strategies, your sales team can close more deals faster and with less administrative burden, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in your sales process.

Replace Your SDRs with Interactive Smart Vids

You can create an Interactive Smart Video with specific questions that your viewer must answer. Then, based on their response, you can either send them to a specific branch of that video, or even tag those leads with specific automations. You can also:

  • Drive towards a booked call

  • Deliver self-serve marketing materials

  • Answer questions and handle objections

  • Qualify and increase the quality of leads booking with you

Think of it as duplicating your current sales qualification process, and putting it in video format.
Then, you assign a lead score based on that information and deliver that to your sales team, so they’re only focused on the highest value deals.

Pre-Sell Your Prospects For Higher Demo Show Rates

Use Vidalytics to create marketing automations designed to pre-sell customers based on tags and objection data from an Interactive Smart Video… For example, you can:

  • Create a marketing automation to handle your lead’s #1 objection they selected inside your Interactive Smart Video

  • Warm up leads, pre-call, based on the amount of content they consumed or video they watched (send them back to finish your video, deliver the content via email, or more…)

  • Book more calls by creating custom emails based on the desires they chose in your Interactive Smart Vid

Vidalytics helps you tag your leads based on their behavior and the content they consumed…
So you can follow up with them with the right messaging and content, at the right time… and sell them on your service/product before and after they get on a call.

Acquire More Leads & Collect Valuable Customer Insights

Vidalytics has countless features you can’t get anywhere else that you can leverage to increase your conversion rates, acquire more leads, and make more sales.

What Everyone’s Saying About Using Vidalytics

Matej Bester
Matej Bester
Golden Tree Nutrition Ltd

"Good news! We split tested 595,000 sessions with Vimeo, YouTube and Wistia, and they couldn’t beat Vidalytics 🙂"

Joel Erway
Joel Erway
Founder CEO of The Webinar Agency

"Optimizing VSLs is fucking hard. Vidalytics allows you to track engagement of your videos by UTM parameters! I found this feature and saw more than a 5X engagement boost with the same video, just a different ad angle (3.6% vs. 17.34%). This is a game changer. It allows us to optimize our funnel so much more effectively now that we can see exactly which ad angles are driving the highest intent. This is pretty sweet!"

Jon Benson
Jon Benson
Billion Dollar Marketer & Inventor of the Video Sales Letter

"You should definitely use Vidalytics for video hosting. When I switched over, their Smart Autoplay increased my conversions by 30%. This is why I use Vidalytics for all of my Video Sales Letters"

Frank Kern
Frank Kern
Founder CEO, Frank Kern Inc

“There’s a video hosting service called Vidalytics. That thing’s really cool! When a viewer hits X minutes [watch time in your video], it’ll tag them in Vidalytics, and then you can use Zapier to send that tag data over to your email system, or CRM.”

Chris Encarnacion
Chris Encarnacion
VSL Expert & Producer

"Been in the space 12 years, my videos have generated over $700M. Every time somebody asks me, “Hey… video hosting, who do you recommend?” Vidalytics is always number one. There’s no one else, doesn’t matter. Just make the investment, you deserve it, your business deserves it."

Jim Hefner
Jim Hefner
Founder, Owner, CEO - Sunrise Wellness

"Vidalytics has been our go-to for video hosting. I've been an entrepreneur my entire life, with an MBA and ten years in digital marketing. We've been with Vidalytics for four years, and they’ve been awesome. The tech is solid, hosting is reliable, and the videos load fast.

The reporting and data tools are exactly what we need in direct response. Their support is great, especially with interactive videos, which we've been using for three years. Vidalytics is always on top of the latest tech and actually implements feedback. We’ve tried other platforms, but Vidalytics has been by far the best."

Brent Messer
Brent Messer
Nutra Smash

"Vidalytics’ Smart Autoplay bumped my conversion rate by 49%. I’m never leaving Vidalytics!"

Eric Raum
Eric Raum
CEO, Lexapure

"I love Vidalytics. Better pricing than Wistia, with WAY better analytics. The autoplay that restarts when unmuted pays for itself in increased conversions each month for us. Best video hosting for our industry, hands down!'

Sam Robbins
Sam Robbins
HFL Solutions

“Over the last 20 years, I’ve used ALL of the other video platforms — JW Player, Flowplayer, Vimeo, Wistia, Youtube and nothing compares to the power and insights that Vidalytics gives you. It is hands down the best.”

Tim Houston
Tim Houston
CEO Badass Ventures, Inc

"I love that Vidalytics was built by marketers for marketers... Our conversions are up because of smart-autoplay, faster load times, start-from-where-you-left-off for returning visitors etc... Plus they moved all of our videos over from our backup, which was great. More conversions, lower costs, great customer service."

Ryan Wardell
Ryan Wardell
Founder CEO at Startup Sauce

"Vidalytics gives you deeper analytics around engagement and where viewers convert. This is super useful if you're like me and want to split test everything. Other video solutions don't give the insights needed to optimize for conversion. The biggest difference was the Smart Autoplay. Vidalytics stands out with its comprehensive analytics and conversion-boosting features, making it an indispensable tool for anyone serious about video marketing."

Joe Sulima
Joe Sulima

“Vidalytics seems like a great program so far. I have already recommended it to a few people I know that were using Vimeo and had issues like I did.”

Sean Anthony
Sean Anthony
CEO of GrowthResponse

"They have the best analytics for marketing videos -- period. And a ton of unique features like Smart Autoplay and Countdown timers.They also have features that save someone from bouncing while watching your video, since it works when the video is paused. They're all called 'Exit' features. Like Exit Call to Actions, Exit Play Gates, and Exit Thumbnails. It's awesome."

Chris Badgett
Chris Badgett
CEO, Lifter LMS

"Vidalytics provides so much value at the magical intersection of engagement, conversion, and insight. It's an essential tool in the stack for digital marketers and online course creators."

Karmjit Singh
KJ Singh
Rise Media

"One vote here for Vidalytics, their unmuted autoplays increased video plays with the flashing message on top of video while it's playing in the background, then restarts from the beginning when clicked. Genius."

Max Fata
Max Fata
Direct Response Video Agency

"I produce a TON of video sales letters. Vidalytics is a perfect fit for these businesses using VSLs. So I recommend it to all my clients. Vidalytics just makes sense for any direct response company instead of Wistia or Vimeo."

Max Sallinen
Max Sallinen
Sr. Marketing Manager, Delta Defense

"Resume Play is the reason we migrated to Vidalytics. We're grateful that [videos] can be set to autoplay, muted with a quick, clear, and easy "click for audio" option. The [fact] that Vidalytics then restarts the video from the beginning is heavenly."

Braun Miller
Braun Miller
Nerve Aid

"I split tested Vidalytics against Wistia and it destroyed them. Vidalytics works so well I almost didn’t want to tell anyone about it because it is such a competitive advantage."

Justin Christianson
Justin Christianson
Co-Founder & President, Conversion Fanatics

"We’ve been using Vidalytics for a while and absolutely love it. Its mobile features alone are worth switching. Not to mention it converts better than other players, its analytics are on-point and it’s the fastest video player I’ve tested. I highly recommend them for your marketing videos."

Dennis Crosby
Dennis Crosby
CEO, Crochet Media

"I love how it shows me not just video analytics, but also where people converted in the video. Only video player I've found that really gives me the data I need to optimize for sales. I'm able to see what parts of the video is performing best, where I'm losing people and at what point they are converting."

Steven Gunn
Steven Gunn
Opta Naturals

"I'm transitioning to Vidalytics from Vidyard. Seriously, I've been totally blown away by your product so far, especially considering the price."

Claire Jarrett
Claire Jarrett

Todd Brown recommended your software in the E5 camp. It's great!

The first version of my VSL hosted on Vidalytics did £70,000. I'm relaunching v2 now.

John Wheeler
John Wheeler
Godzilla Social

"In the few months since we signed up Vidalytics has been AMAZING. It’s a real game changer. I’ve already edited our webinar replay to reflect the poor drop off at the beginning. I’m not sure how anyone with marketing videos can get by without Vidalytics, it's really that good."

Warren Phillips
Warren Phillips

We love Vidalytics - the more you measure, the better. It also allows for custom messages with mobile autoplay, AND faster load speeds.

Philip Meese
Philip Meese
Critical Margin Digital

"I can NOT afford to have the videos in my funnel be “black holes” where I don’t know what is happening. Before, it was just a guessing game. Now with Vidalytics, I know exactly where and how my videos are converting. Making it easy to improve their conversions."

Andrew Contreras
Andrew Contreras
9 Figure Copywriter

"Vidalytics is my secret weapon for troubleshooting VSLs so that I can increase conversions. It’s turned what I thought were duds into high converting videos."

Richard Denzer
Richard Denzer

"When you've had a great customer satisfaction experience - you're in. You're part of the family. Support did that. It was a very cool exchange, answered my questions, was super cool about it. You are being well represented here. And as my teacher Ben Settle says, nothing like customer service to create a referral client."

Max Peters
Max Peters
Copy Experts

"We are charged in dollars, but earn in Brazilian Reais. The currency affects us a lot. Trust me, I didn't want to pay for Vidalytics. But I just have to. Because it simply works. I've tested it against every other video platform out there, and it's just simply better. We make more money with Vidalytics. Period. That's why we use it in all of our companies."

Gauher Chaudhry
Gauher Chaudhry
Founder, Digital Sumo

"I love Vidalytics because of the countless options I can control such as AutoPlay, Countdown Timers, Resume Play and many more. The analytics on the videos are detailed and help my team and I make the right decisions to increase conversions."

Bobby Hewitt
Bobby Hewitt
Conversion Rate Optimization Expert

"WOW!! Overlaying the conversion on the same graph is the missing piece, that is awesome."

DC Fawcett
DC Fawcett
Life Renu

"I absolutely love Vidalytics because I can scale with it. We are a high volume business. We drive a lot of traffic from Facebook and YouTube and we are just getting started. Love the resume play and the delayed CTA button tied to the player position."

Andres Calderon
Andres Calderon

"Vidalytics is JUST what I've been looking for in a long long time!!! I'm so excited. Gonna launch a new product next month. Can't wait to see how it converts."

Linda van der Hoeven
Linda van der Hoeven

"Great and friendly service. Awesome tools in Vidalytics! Compliments for the way it's designed!"

Increase Your Conversions Now By Simply Swapping Out Your Video Player

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